Ova stranica koristi tehničke (nužne) i analitičke kolačiće.
Nastavkom pregledavanja prihvaćate korištenje kolačića.

“Italian Bilateral Scientific” Award, “l’Innovazione che Parla Italiano” Award, ”Science, She Says!” Award 2025


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation has started the collection of applications (open to all countries, including Croatia) for the following awards:

  • VIII edition of the “Premio Farnesina–Italian bilateral scientific cooperation award”, addressed this year to senior researchers distinguished abroad for their high scientific merits

Invitation to submit applications, application form and personal data information (annex)

  • “Innovation that speaks Italian” Award of the high innovative value of technology startups operating abroad and founded by Italian citizens

Invitation to submit applications, application form and personal data information (annex)

  • III edition of the “Science, She Says” award, reserved for young foreign researchers under the age of 40.

Invitation to submit applications, application form and personal data information (annex)


Applications should be sent to the e-mail address (amb.zagabria@esteri.it) by 30th January 2025 at the latest, following the instructions in the call for applications and in compliance with the templates downloadable and provided for each award.